Microsoft Azure Certification Training - Vinsys Dubai, UAE

Attend a new 4 days batch of MS-AZ 500 & MS-AZ 104 From 27 June to 30 June.

Exams - Microsoft AZ-500 exam , MS AZ-104 Exam

Why should I attend Microsoft Azure course from Vinsys?

Vinsys is a Microsoft Silver Training Partner. With highly experienced trainers and 21+ years of training expertise, Vinsys is recognized by global learners as a reliable source of learning for professional certification courses. Through proven training methodologies tested over two decades, Vinsys is the right place to learn and grow.

Audience • IT professionals who want to become Azure Security Engineers • IT professionals preparing for Microsoft’s AZ-500 exam • Anyone who wants to specialize in Azure-based digital platforms Eligibility Criteria • Basic understanding of IT security principles • Knowledge about Azure offerings and services

Enroll Now for Microsoft Azure Certification
